Spiralling Lyrics by Keane
I’m waiting
For my moment to come
I’m waiting
For the movie to begin
I’m waiting
For a revelation
I’m waiting for someone
To count me in
Cuz now
I only see my dreams
In everything I touch
Feel their cold hands on
Everything that I love
Cold like some
Magnificent skyline
Out of my reach
But always
In my eye line now
We’re tumbling down
We’re spiraling
Tied up to the ground
We’re spiraling
I fashioned you
From jewels and stone
I made you
In the image of myself
I gave you
Everything you wanted
So you would never know
Anything else
But every time
I reach for you
You slip
Through my fingers
Into cold sunlight
Laughing at the things
That I had planned
The map of my world gets
Smaller as I sit here
Pulling at the loose
Threads now
We’re tumbling down
We’re spiraling
Tied up to the ground
We’re spiraling
When we fall in love
We’re just falling
In love with ourselves
We’re spiraling
Did you wanna be a winner?
Did you wanna be an icon?
Did you wanna be famous?
Did you wanna be the president?
Did you wanna start a war?
Did you wanna have a family?
Did you wanna be in love?
Did you wanna be in love?
I never saw the light
I never saw the light
I waited up all night
But I never saw the light
When we fall in love
We’re just falling
In love with ourselves
We’re spiraling
We’re tumbling down
We’re spiraling
Tied up to the ground
We’re spiraling
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